Category: Golden Hour Episodes

Golden Hour E011

Ralph Filion and Mike Marbut Not only do they still rip, Ralph and Mike have turned a vacant lot in Plattsburgh into a concrete paradise. Ralph’s IG: @ralphfilion Foundation: Next to Cumberland 12 Cinemas in Plattsburgh Music – Foundation edit: ES-K – Still Painful (Raw) Golden Hour theme: Skysplitter and ES-K

Golden Hour E006

Eskae Golden Hour Episode 6: Scottie Raymond (Eskae) is a founding member of Anthill Collective, Above The Radar, Burlington Skate Camp, Railroad Street Skate Park, Second Agenda, Green Door Studio, Liquid Lounge, Hip Hop at Hectors, Third Thursdays, Sound Affects at Arts Riot and countless live events. IG @eskaeone @greendoorstudiovt @anthillcollective @abovetheradarvt ©2022 Shaun Machia […]